October 2015
We hope everyone is doing well, had a happy summer, and now enjoying the start to a beautiful Fall season. We have a few changes and announcements we would like to share with you:
* Starting in October, Lynx, will no longer be working at the clinic. We thank her for her wonderful acupuncture treatments and for all the support she has provided our patients. Thank you Lynx! You will be missed.
* New hours starting in October!
Monday: 1- 7 pm
Tuesday: 1 – 4 pm
Wednesday: 9 – 2 pm
Thursday: 1 – 7 pm
Friday: 9 – 2 pm
We have decided to temporarily close the clinic on Saturdays, and have extended our evening hours on Monday and Thursday to 7 pm. This means that you can schedule an appointment up until 7 pm, and be able to rest peacefully with your treatment until 8 pm. We hope this will help with folks who work later hours during the week. Please feel free to contact us if you have questions or concerns regarding our new schedule.
* The max is finished! The Orange line opened in September and so far is appearing to be quite busy. Fortunately for us, the downtown Milwaukie/Main St stop is located directly across from the clinic. Now you can ride the max straight to your acupuncturist!